Thursday, October 23, 2008


This is just too good to be true don't you think?I mean a death predicting cat!I better get myself a cat so i can weep in advance for my loved ones,but i think there is none like Oscar.Oscar is remarkably special.He seem to posses benevolent or even devilish powers of some sort but i do not think he is evil in anyway he is just extraordinary.I wonder where he got this unworldly ability.He is on top of the hierarchy,he must have acquired a phd in life expectancy or life span or related course in humans.That is in the cat world of course.He was very lucky to have been adopted by a hospital or no one would have realized how special and capable he is and his abilities would have gone down the drain.I wonder how he does all the work, i mean being the only Doctor Death.If only there were too many Oscars,death would not be such a bad thing anymore as there will be assurance that our souls are in good hands

1 comment:

Naledi Sosong said...

thats better....but keep logic next time....