Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some families are poor and some families are rich.To become wealthy is everyone's dream but we can't be all rich simce we are not the same.We have different abilities and the way we think differs.Everything happens for a reason and i believe God had a plan when he created rich people and poor people.I can't imagine what life would be like if everyone was wealthy.No one would go to work and there will be no point in going to school.Money is the primary source of wealth,if everyone has it there will be no interaction between people as no one will ask from others.There will be no socialisation.You don't just wake up in the morning and find yourself wealthy unless you were born with a silver spoon.You need to work hard to become wealthy as they say there is no sweet without sweat.Being wealthy is not everything,you can still survive even if you are poor.Be grateful for the little that you have as some have nothing at all.

1 comment:

Ebzonfyr said...

how can sweet be sweet with sweat? i thot sweat is salty :P